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Ready for the journey of a lifetime?
Contact me...

To book a session please contact me on
What's App: +44 7967 483 076
If you would like more information about Quantum Healing and how it can help you, email me at
Or write a small introduction below and why you're looking to have a session.
* Past Life Regression :
2h Session (online or in person) - $250 USD
Including 1h in hypnosis where you visit a Past Life
and explore the reasons why this voyage with your Higher Self.
These sessions are the quickest and most enjoyable way to work with the Higher Self
for Self Improvement and Self Empowerment.
* QHHT (in person) or *BQH (online) :
5h Session - $500 USD
Long Sessions: These are 5 hour sessions including 2h in hypnosis,
You get to visit a Past Life and have a conversation with your Higher Self
through a series of question that you would have brought to the session.
These sessions are extremely transformative.
They give us the opportunity to look at every aspect of one’s life,
and bring the necessary healing and answers to move forward in the best way possible.
* Theta Healing :
1h30 Session (online or in person) - $150 USD
Reprogram specific unconscious beliefs.
A more methodical approach to reprogramming the Subconscious mind and bring healing.
* Quantum Jumping :
1h30 Session (online or in person) - $150 USD
Including 45 min hypnosis where you can go meet your Successful Self
and get the answers that you need to manifest your highest potential.
* A Conscious Conversation:
1h Session (online) - $70 USD
A conversation about Dream Analysis,
Plant Medicine Integration after an Ayahuasca retreat,
Advice on Meditation and Self Empowerment.
Follow me on Youtube: Esther Quantum , Facebook: Esther Rouah QHHT or Instagram: @esther_quantum

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